Red Orks

A friend is involved in the same community for kill team as I am, and I offered to paint his Orks for him. He wanted “red Orks with bling gold guns”. I tried to capture this in a way which kept in theme with a scruffy ork army thing – so nothing too shiny, but still bling.

I treated this like a commission – even though I wasn’t charging, to see how quickly I could paint a squad to a good standard. These 10 took me roughly 2 evenings working solidly, estimated about 8 hours start to finish, though most were pre primed.

If I were being paid I probably would have done the eyes too – but I think for free these are very good quality. I only edge highlighted skin, and dry-brushed the guns. This saved alot of time for no blatant disadvantage.


Colours used:

Primer – Black


Base tone – Vallejo Model Air Burnt Umber (Airbrushed)

Highlight 1 – AP Zombicide Crusted Sore (Airbrushed at 45 degrees)

Highlight 2 – 50/50 Crusted Sore + Vallejo Model Air Red (Airbrushed at 90 degrees)

Edge Highlight 1 – Mephiston Red

Edge Highlight 2 – 50/50 Mephiston Red/Troll Slayer Orange


Alternated between VMC Leather Brown and VMC German Camo Medium Brown

Washed with Agrax Earthshade

(Didn’t bother to edge highlight, don’t feel it was worth time for scruffy clothes)

Boots – Rhinos Hide


Leadbelcher, Washed with Agrax Earthshade


Retributor Armor, Washed with Agrax Earthshade

Drybrush: Leadbelcher (For scratched effect)

Bone/hand wraps:

VMC German Camo Beige, Washed with Agrax Earthshade


VMC Tan Earth, Washed with Agrax Earthshade

Drybrush: Ushabti Bone

Tuft: War painter Scenics, Dead vegetation



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